Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Sim Coming Soon!

Dominique Lothario

Yes folks I said it. Dominique was born in game. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that she was born out of wedlock. Don Lothario will never change and bringing Dominique into the world didn't make things any different. Dominique's mom, is just as wild and crazy. Ha ha, my sim self Pinklady1, a true party animal and daredevil. Dominique has inherited both her parents traits. She has the traits party animal, daredevil, Flirty, Virtuoso, and most definitely Commitment Issues. Dominique is just like her dad, after leaving Riverview she made her way to Bridgeport and breaking many hearts on her way there. Will she ever settle down and live life instead of being the life of the party?


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